E Teaching and Learning with Jupyter Book Review
Desiree’s thoughts:
Good stuff
- Description of the use cases
- Screenshots of examples of activities/questions in notebooks (e.g. in Section 2.3.22.
- Inclusion of ‘pro-tips content’ throughout content
- I do like the pedagogical patterns section, though I see how including something like this greatly increases the scope of our project. I think what I like most about it, is that they’re concrete examples of creative use-cases.
- The tips and tricks section I find to be useful, practical advice. In thinking of how this applies toour own project, I think a lot of this could be condensed into little “tips” boxes.
- Different ways of running Jupyter w/ pros and cons. Useful for educators to know ahead of time
Stuff I don’t like as much
- Needs way more color, pictures, graphics. I think there is too much text for this to be an effective way of “selling” the notebooks. You have to read a lot of prefaces before you get to the practical implementations and concrete examples.
- Tone is kinda dry
- Not sure if it’s the layout, but I think just by nature of it being a book, it doesn’t feel like as a user that I can or should skip around to only the sections I need. It’s hard to know which sections will be most useful to me when I “arrive” to this resource.